Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Journal #1

My Symbol
Skateboard Heart

My name's Colin LaBerge and I'm a junior majoring in visual communication with an emphasis in graphic design. I'm 20 years old and love all different sources of media including film, computer imagery, photography, etc. When I grow up, I'd like to own my own action sports brand similar to a company like RVCA or The Hundreds. Currently, a friend from back home and I are working on a brand called "Revrs" and during my free time I like to put a lot of work into that.

I chose this picture of a broken skateboard shaped like a heart for numerous reasons. I've skateboarded ever since I can remember, so I love the sport itself. However, beyond just a literal depiction of this picture, the skateboard heart seems to symbolize my love of adventure and all extreme sports. Also, I feel like skateboards are a strong symbol for a counter-culture that involves all things "street" including sports, art, music, clothing etc. All in all, street culture is my life and that's why I feel this symbol is perfect.

My Symbol From Others


For my symbol of how other people perceive me, I again chose a skateboard; however, just a normal skateboard. I chose this as my symbol again because I really do believe I embody everything that makes up a skateboarder from the way I dress, to what I do for fun. In addition to just the skateboard though however, most people that know me, know I also love street art very passionately, and a lot of skateboarders are associated in the street art scene. In essence, I feel that a skateboard completely symbolizes me, my lifestyle, and people's perception of me.

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